Sunday, March 29, 2009

Project Mulberry Cont.

I was talking with another 448 student in another section about the little pieces in between each chapter.  My initial blog was written right after I encountered the info after each chapter.  I initially thought that I really didn't like those extra conversations because it drew you out of the story after each chapter.  But after talking about it and thinking I think those can be beneficial.  But I also think that they should be saved to read after you read the whole book.  It reminded me of commentary on a movie.  No one would watch a movie for the first time with the commentary.  You would lose so much of the experience by doing that because are not letting yourself get caught up in the story line and the characters.  The same is with this book.  I think that a lot of great info is presented in the commentary but I don't to know about it until I am done with the story.  So my feelings have changed a little but I still think that, for me at least, I want to save those pieces for after the book.  

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