Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Book Review 3

Since We’re Friends: An Autism Picture Book

By Celeste Shally

Illustrations by David Harrington


Matt is a young boy who has autism.  Throughout the book we see how autism makes Matt’s world a little different than his friends world, the narrator.  The narrator explains some of the things that Matt struggles with including his attention span and his temper tantrums.  But the narrator also makes sure that when these things arise he helps him because they are friends.  But we also get to see the ways in which they are much the same like their teamwork in basketball and their love of the swings.  I think this book is really intended for outsiders, especially the younger crowd, because it helps explain what autism is.  There is also a forward at the beginning that gives more detailed information about autism, which can be helpful for kids or parents.  The one thing that I noticed was that one of the characters was white and one was black and Matt, the one with autism, was black.  I just wonder how the illustrator made that decision.  I liked the pictures.  I think they were colorful, lifelike and really added to the story.  Overall, I thought the characters were developed enough to get a good story across and I think the message was strong; though kids with autism may see things differently and experience things differently they can still be great friends.  

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