Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Book Review 2

Ian’s Walk: A Story about Autism

By Laurie Lears

Illustrations by Karen Ritz


Ian is a young boy who just wants to go on a walk with his sisters.  Ian’s autism makes his sister hesitant to take him along.  But through their walk we see life through Ian’s eyes.  This book sheds a new light on disability; in fact the book never refers to autism as a disability.  While Ian is walking we see him smell things differently, see things differently and touch thing differently.  But that’s just it; they are different, not wrong.  The author does a really great job showing that those with autism might have a different perspective of the world however, that perspective is just as valid as the next persons.  The illustrations really add to the feeling of the book.  They are quite life like and help you feel like you are a part of the book.  In the end we see a sister look past their difference and appreciate him for who he is.  This book is not only a feel good book but it is also a great book for young readers looking to learn a little something about autism.  

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