Friday, April 24, 2009

Bullied for being gay

I was reading this article and it made me so sad.  But it really reminded me of why we need to educate about LGBT.  This article is about a boy who killed himself after being perpetually bullied and called gay.  


  1. Oh, that is such a sad article. It really upset me that it seemed the school didn't do much to try to fix the problem. It seemed to me the poor boy did not even understand the term at first. It reminds me of when I was in eighth grade we had a huge problem in my school with the boys. The would masturbate in class (being obvious about it) and I am sure the teachers knew, but because one of boys who did it was the principals son I think the teachers kept quiet. My friend finally went and told her mom about what had been going on in all of our classes every day and she called my mom (both our mom's worked at the high school) well, the boys ended up getting suspended and it was just a huge up roar. I just remember getting so mad at our teachers for doing nothing about it because after the incident my friend and I got picked on because we 'told on' the boys. The boys were considered popular in our school and all the other "popular" people got mad at us. It just upset me because if the teachers would have done something about it we would not have gotten teased. I think as a future teacher it is so important to be very involved in what is going on between students in the classroom to keep incidents from happening.

  2. Wow, that is a really heart breaking article. It's so sad that the only way he saw to make it end was to kill himself. As teachers and parents, when we hear about our students or kids being made fun of we should do everything we can to stop it!

  3. This is terrible, and the worst part is that a few weeks ago I saw another story on CNN about a boy around the same age that committed suicide for being teased about being gay in school. This is absolutely unacceptable for our society to not stop in and educate children about the serious consequences of bullying and name calling. Not only that by issues such as homosexuality should be addressed in school through things like literature in a positive way to promote acceptance. Not only that but to make it an acceptable part of our society.
