Monday, January 26, 2009

Heart of A Chief

As I have been reading Heart of A Chief I have been torn whether I like it or not.  I find there are several stereotypes and I do not know if the author is trying to combat those stereotypes or if he is fueling the flame.  The first stereotype I found was that Native Americans drink a lot.  This is seen when Mito, the father, is missing in the book because he has to go to rehab.  Another stereotype I see is that Native Americans build casinos.  This one I am not sure about because on the one hand they are trying to build one but on the other hand many people are against it, which could be used to show that not all Native Americans want to build casinos.  Overall I am still torn with these.  I cannot decide what point the author is trying to convey.  My thoughts were somewhat swayed when I read that the author is Native American.  

Friday, January 23, 2009


This is my TE 448 blog.  In my blog I will be discussing various issues regarding diversity in children's literature.  I have some background in children's literature but very little knowledge as far as diversity goes so I will be exploring new ideas and issues here!